Sunday, October 18, 2009

Working on the Lock inletting

After setting back the barrel to almost the perfect position to line up the proposed position of the flash hole and flash hole liner, I turned my attentions to inletting the Lock to it's final location.

I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't seem to get the lock to sit square and systematically remove wood as needed. I found that the hammer and cock assembly was just too much in the way. I did some research and learned that the "proper" way to inlet the lock was to actually take the hammer assembly off (so it is not in the way - DUH!).

Using a vise grips (instead of the recommended spring vise) I was able to easily remove the spring used for the hammer. I unscrewed the one pivot screw and viola, a nice flat lock plate to work with.

Now, I wanted to try to do this with as few "power tools" as possible but, I just may have to break out the dremel tool to get into the small nooks and crannies. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Scott Lopez aka (scrat)November 8, 2009 at 9:05 AM

    Rig good job so far. for sure i am going to have to keep an eye on this one.

  2. Thanks Scott. I'm having fun with it.
